Hey- This is Biscuit! I am doing great! I have the most wonderful parents: they are really cool! I have a big house and yard that I can play and run in. I also have lots of toys to play with. My new mommy and daddy are spoiling me. They play with me all the time. I am one lucky cool Eskie that is for sure. I have a comfortable life now and my life has really turned around. I am very happy and comfortable now- just the way I like it! I have my own vet to keep me healthy and my own groomer to make me one cool handsome pooch! I didn’t do too well when I first met my new new mommy and daddy but they talked and fussed over me and gave me lots of treats and that did the trick and they won me over. Mom and dad say I am doing very well at socializing with people since I have been in obedience school. I graduate on December 14th and even my teacher said I have come a long way and she is as proud of me as my mommy and daddy are. They call me a clown because they never know what I will do next- like when I howl when the Beggin’ Strip commercial comes on. That trick really shocked them! I love the snow and we go for walks when the weather is not too cold. If the weather is cold, then I run around the house like a wild man- what more could a boy like me ask for? I miss you all, especially my foster momma Bonnie, who took such great care of me. Don’t worry though- I am one lucky little Eskie now thanks to Rescued Treasures wonderful volunteers. We will still keep in touch. My momma would like to say something now…Bye for now and Love you all!
Hi Rescued Treasures,
Biscuit has brought a lot of joy and laughter into our lives. Everyone thinks he is so sweet and my daughter and her family just love him so much and are so happy for us! You are angels in our eyes to do what you are doing for these furry little guys. It is a lot of work, but in the end you all will be rewarded for all you have done and God sure is proud of all of you. Thank you again for bringing Biscuit into our lives. You are in our hearts every day and we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Love You Very Much,
Donna and Glenn and of course Biscuit Traister