Brody & Skye

This is Brody and Skye, both RT pups. We have had Skye (eskie) for 3.5 years and Brody for 2.5 years. Their favorite activities include playing in the snow and…

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We adopted Koda (One of the Kentucky German shepard mixes) in March 2015 and he is doing great! He's now 9 months old and just about 60lbs. My 2 yr…

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Sir Cory

Adopted August 2015, Sir Cory is doing great. We just love him so much. He is a spoiled little pup. And, he is a funny little guy. His new thing lately…

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This is Ava. I adopted her in late February 2015. She was found roaming the snowy streets. She is my best friend, loves my lap and hogs the bed at…

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Murphy, formerly Saturn, came to us in February 2015. She loves to carry her crinkle ball into the bathtub and sing to us :) Ashley

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This is Abby, my gentle soul! She came into my life January, 2013 and has taught me to be more patient and grateful. Abby was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy about…

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This is our Murphy.  Rescued Treasures pulled him from the pound on his last day!  He has been with us since August 2014.  He is very comical and silly and…

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