OH MY GOODNESS WE LOVE SHEBA!! We got home, meeted and greeted, walked. She is sooo easy to walk or jog! She eats so nicely. Drinks so nicely! We got to hear her “scary” growl, hahaha, it was hysterically cute. I told her she was scary and to give me the toy, she did! hahaha! Right now she is lying on the floor next to me with her paws crossed. She checked out the inside of our fridge. Kioko backed away and let her have whatever toy she wanted, I told Sheba to sit and gave the toy to Kioko and everyone was happy! THIS IS WONDERFUL and so far even better than I could have imagined. Isaac, the cat, is not as ready to play w/ Sheba as she is to play with him.
Sheba is such a delight!! Such an incredible delight. So perfect!! She uses her bed as an ottoman while she lays on the rug.
She is just such a good girl!