
Thought you might like some pictures of Kira (Emmalayne).  She is fitting in well.  What a smart little girl.  She can go through our full length tunnel and up over…

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"Phoebe" was adopted by us on Sept 27,2010.  She is doing well in our home and has become the little 'princess' of the household.  She has made fast friends with…

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Can you say “Best Friends for Ever?” Liam and Slick (Fuzzy) love each other. Slick has been with us for only a week, but after his first day home, he…

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Hi there, Trixie here giving you an update on my first couple of weeks in my forever home.  Wow, I have been having such a great time with my sister…

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Just wanted to update you on Pirta’s (AKA Michelle) progress.  We’ve just come back from a walk during which she was never on a lead!  She ranges about on either…

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Milo came into our lives as a foster in March 2013 and never left. He is the most amazing, expressive, loving (and stubborn) dog I will probably ever have. Jennifer…

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   We just wanted to send you a quick update on Scamp. He has been with us for about 3 months now and he is the best dog. We are…

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3 years ago today Rosie came to her forever home with us. She is a sweetheart and very loved and spoiled! Thank you for all you do! Love and hugs!…

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We adopted Twix (the calico) Dec 2012 and as you can see she is in love with her big brother. She is still small like a kitten but has a…

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